Tuesday 19 March 2013

Meetings - don't you just love them!

I have just left the meeting from hell. For over two hours I have listened to and answered what can only be described as a barrage of questions, intermittently broken up by the sound of discontent in the form of a groan, grunt or outburst of “that’s definitely not fair”. This is usually followed by two dark eyes piercing me to my very core, to the point where I can feel the blood inside my veins freeze. I am sure that the frustration and annoyance is betrayed by a pulsing giant vein on the side of my head. Everyone is to a large part being generous enough by going through the chair for their comments.  I am starting to feel an irrational annoyance for the chair who even still now is calm and polite answering the questions. I wonder if I am just too tired today, if it’s the weather, or have I just run out of patience. How can these people think of so many alternatives and possibilities that they need to get them sorted before they come to an agreement. Its definite, I am sure now beyond a doubt I hate negotiations, unless it’s a topic I am truly passionate about. I decided to add my comments and then make a hasty retreat. I can now him them plotting and planning their way to a more beneficial situation. I love technology but now I am starting to hate it. How can these people still be going strong, where do they get the strength, the passion, the questions continue and for what, access time to the Xbox and other techno toys. I think I am going to take them and hide them and then start screaming in the morning that we have been robbed of all the techno gadgets in our house – I would love to see their faces if that happened, that’s not a possibility they thought of but by god, the parents did! Oh God, they just walked into the living room with two white boards and different coloured sticky tabs -  help!

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